Functional Dry Needling

Functional Dry Needling

Functional Dry Needling

Functional Dry Needling (FDN) therapy is a powerful modality utilized in treating trigger points and muscular dysfunction. It is a skilled intervention used by trained practitioners in which a thin filiform needle is used to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscles, and connective tissues for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement impairments. A trigger point describes a taut band of skeletal muscle located within a larger muscle group. Trigger points can be tender to the touch and can refer pain to distant parts of the body.

Trained therapists utilize dry needling to elicit a twitch response within the muscle causing biochemical changes. This twitch response is the necessary first step in releasing/inactivating the trigger points, improving muscle function and relieving pain.

Is Dry Needling Similar to Acupuncture?

Although both techniques use very fine, sterile needles that are inserted into various parts of the body, it is important to note the distinct differences.

  • Acoustic Wave Therapy: Using acoustic waves, this non-invasive treatment targets injured muscles, tendons, and soft tissues, stimulating healing and supporting speedy recovery.
  • Laser Therapy: This treatment utilizes low-level lasers or light-emitting diodes to stimulate cell regeneration, increase blood circulation, and accelerate the healing process for overall wellness.
  • Comprehensive Rehab Programs: Tailored rehabilitation programs incorporating a combination of chiropractic treatments, physical therapy, exercises, and lifestyle modifications to address specific injuries or conditions and support overall wellness.

Our treatments are designed to provide holistic care that addresses the root cause of your discomfort, promotes healing, and enhances your overall well-being.

Does Dry Needling Hurt?

Typically, the insertion of the needle does not cause any pain or discomfort. The local twitch response can cause brief discomfort, feeling like an electric shock or cramping sensation. Most patients describe this as uncomfortable, but not painful.

Would Functional Dry Needling Help My Condition?

Functional Dry Needling can be very beneficial in many soft tissue complaints. An examination and determination of your underlying problem will tell us if FDN is right for you. After the exam, we will consider which modalities will get you back to health as soon as possible, discuss your options, and lay out a treatment plan.

Dry needling has been effective for resolving soft tissue dysfunction, such as, inflammation, tendonitis, contractures, trigger points, tissue adhesions, and various other musculoskeletal conditions. When combined with other manual therapy and functional exercise, dry needling can help alleviate the following conditions.

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"I'm Dr. John Tuggle, my team and I are dedicated to helping you get out of pain and get you back to feeling great again.

Call us and tell us about your health issues and set up a consultation to discuss the treatment that will best get you back to optimum health."

Dr. John Tuggle, D.C.

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(512) 257-2225

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  • Acute and chronic tendonitis
  • Athletic and sports-related overuse injuries
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Chronic pain conditions
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Headaches and whiplash
  • Hip pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Low back pain
  • Motor vehicle accident related injuries
  • Muscle spasms
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Post-surgical pain
  • Post-traumatic injuries
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Sciatic pain
  • Tennis elbow
  • TMJ

Call us at 512-257-2225 to schedule an appointment.


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"I'm Dr. John Tuggle, my team and I are dedicated to helping you get out of pain and get you back to feeling great again.

Call us and tell us about your health issues and set up a consultation to discuss the treatment that will best get you back to optimum health."

Dr. John Tuggle, D.C.

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(512) 257-2225

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